Community Economic Development Fund

CEDF Program Registration for Nonprofits

For nonprofit organizations requesting financing or business support services and resources.

Are you a for profit organization?  Use a different form found here.

CEDF is a nonprofit community lender and a U.S. Treasury-certified Community Development Financial Institution. In order to provide business support services and financing at reduced or no cost, we must maintain philanthropic funding from government, corporate and charitable sources. This requires we measure and demonstrate the impact of our mission, so we ask our program recipients to provide personal and business information required. We share your information only in aggregate from unless required by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a participant in one of their programs and as authorized by you. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in completing our intake form.

Important Requirements: Your nonprofit may be eligible for a loan if it is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Connecticut with a minimum of $750,000 in annual revenues and a minimum of three years in operation as a nonprofit. 

(* Denotes Required Fields)

How Can We Help?
My primary need is: *
For businesses seeking loans, choose the primary purpose(s):
How much do you think you need to borrow?:
For loan inquiries: This form registers your interest with us and allows us to follow up and answer your questions before you submit a formal application. The inquiry is not a formal application. Once you complete the inquiry form, you will be able to download the application form, instructions and more information about the required supporting documents needed. We'll be happy to help guide you through the process.  
Organizational Contact and Management Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Is your phone number::
First Name of Executive Director (if different than contact person):
Last Name of Executive Director:
Email of Executive Director:
Phone Number of Executive Director:
Is the Executive Director's number?:
Organization Information
Legal Business Name : *
Acronym (How Clients Know You):
Years in Operation: *
Date the organization opened (When you registered the entity): *
EIN/Tax ID number:
Total annual revenue from most recent 990 (line 12):
What is your current operating budget?:
Number of full-time W-2 employees (30 or more hours per week - includes small business owner): *
Number of part-time employees (29 or fewer hours per week): *
Is your organization registered as a tax exempt 501 (c) (3), if no, explain: *
Enter up to 3 NTEE codes used by your nonprofit to apply for tax-exempt status from this list: : *
Organization's Primary Address
Street: *
City: *
State/Province: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Select which best describes your business location:
Additional Information
How did you hear about CEDF?:
Name of person or entity who referred you:
Please enter your organization's mission statement: *
Number of unique people/entities served by your organization annually:
Geographic area served (e.g. neighborhood or town or county or state):
Please explain how we can help. Is there anything else we should know?:

Not sure which loan or educational service meets your need?

Please give us a call toll-free at 888-835-2333 or contact us online